Setting up Mysql server for remote connection on linux

Murali mahadeva B S
2 min readAug 9, 2021

Lets see how to install and setup Mysql server on a linux machine for remote access

Mysql remote connection

Pre requisites: A remote linux server.

Table of contents:
- Installing Mysql
- Setting up mysql for remote access
- Connecting from mysql workbench

Installing Mysql

sudo apt update && apt upgrade

Updates the system packages.

sudo apt install mysql-server 

Installs mysql on the system.

Setting up mysql for remote access

🟡 Go to /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/ and edit mysqld.conf file.

Change the binding address from to and restart the mysql service.

sudo systemctl restart mysql

🟡 Enter mysql command line to create user and grant access

sudo mysql
create user 'user'@'localhost' identifed by 'Password';
grant all on 'database' to 'user'@'Password';
flush privileges;

‘user’@’localhost’ can only access the mysql from localhost. You can add a specific IP from where you want to access. OR add ‘%’ in place of host to access mysql from anywhere.

create user 'admin'@'%' identified by 'P@$$w0rd';

The above line will create a user with name ‘admin’ and password ‘P@$$w0rd’ with access rights from anywhere.

You can specify access rights to a particular database or table or to all databases.

grant all on 'test_database' to 'admin'@'P@$$w0rd'; 

Grants access to user ‘admin’ with password ‘P@$$w0rd’ to database ‘test_database’.

grant all on 'test_database.test_table' to 'admin'@'P@$$w0rd'; 

Grants access to user ‘admin’ with password ‘P@$$w0rd’ to table ‘test_table’ in ‘test_database’

grant all on *.* to 'admin'@'P@$$w0rd';

Grants access to user ‘admin’ with password ‘P@$$w0rd’ to all databases.

Connecting from mysql workbench

connection popup

Fill the remote server IP, database username and password. You will get a success message on succesful connection.

Lets create a database in the remote server and check whether its being reflected in workbench or not.

sudo mysql
create database test_database;

Now refresh the schemas in workbench. You should see the newly created database.

Before and after creating database

Hope this content was of some use.

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